Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The New Deal

I am a new creation in Christ....So I need to, stop it! I need to do it! I need to live it. What is my freedom for anyway?
Teaching is sure revealing to the teacher. Needing to break concepts down for little ones, I find myself being the one taught.
Today, fresh to my spirit, once again, the heart of servant hood. My daughter, Little Mommy, at eight, ranting under her breath, "All you want is for me to be a servant, 'round here!" My reply to her grumbles, "Yes, that's exactly right." "WHAT", she wailed.
Isn't that just it. We really don't want to serve. Sure, I love to put on some serve time. Love to take it off too. Live it in each moment? What about me, my time? Who's gonna be there for me? I'm tired. It's someone else's turn. I'm always the servant. More sad to say, is that my personal litany doesn't end here. It is so nasty, like trash in my heart. Daughter, is only showing what is in my heart at times. If I dare see truth. Will I turn from truth? Will I allow truth to free me? Or will I simply walk by it, compromised to chains? Chains sucking life out of me and others.
Truth. The truth as I shared with my young disciple is that we are designed to serve. We will serve. Nothing can stop or prevent it. Our choice is to who or what will our service go. Our only hope is Jesus. The default is fantastically horrible and deceiving, like in so many things. Focus and desire must be on what matters. If we fail to discipline our thoughts and heart to this everyday, over and over again choosing to serve Jesus.........we simply won't. It doesn't seem fair. Everyone one wants a one time choice. Servant of the King pursues daily. That's who he or she simply is. Servant of the KING.
Lazy or Trustworthy. These are the opposing ideas presented this week. To grow in becoming a reliable woman of God.
"Lazy people irritate their employers, like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes." Proverbs 10:26
"Trustworthy messengers refresh like snow in summer they revive the spirit of their employer." Proverbs 25:13
We put vinegar on her teeth, that was a life lesson to be remembered and she recently had smoke in her eyes. Coming in to the air conditioner for a drink of water on a hot summer day is something she is familiar with. She doesn't want that kind of negative affect on others. Neither do I. The chance to participate with the LORD as water...WOW. How awesome is that. We both want that. Servant, has a different sound in the light. Could this also mean we have the ability to taste like vinegar or water to the LORD himself. Are we HIS refreshment? Maybe not a need, but a desire. Is this our opportunity to shine in His eyes. Who'd want to miss that.
Is it worth the sacrifice of deceiving momentary self service or apathy, that leads to all we don't want? That's an easy Spoken YES, but too often a Lived NO.
God always sets before us life and death....cheers us on, "Choose LIFE!" Laziness kills life in us and those around us. Trustworthiness brings and renews life. We are contrasting our days in a personal journal chart these two extreme positions.
What joy it is to know and to share that we don't have to be despondent when we look in ourselves and find garbage. God knows it's there and is just waiting for us to see it and agree with him that it's trash. It's GREAT news! You don't take trash out or burn it if you don't know it's trash or can't see it.
So my question to all of you, " Are you going to see garbage for garbage? Are you going to call it something else? Are you going to ignore it and walk by? Or Are You going to see it for what it really is, and throw it OUT. Let the garbage truck come by and haul it off, take it where you won't pick it back up!" Burn it.
Servant for LIFE. In the small everyday moments that define who we are, enabling the impossible to live in us.
How many of us grew up answering the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
SERVANT! It wasn't my answer but I am a new creation, it's my answer NOW!