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It's that time AGAIN! Sort, store and shelf for the year! Fun and exciting.....maybe not. I've pre-sorted for our coming year according to the subjects and goals for my girls. Now this mess has been on my dinning room table for two weeks. This is not the school room/toy/playroom. With our two moves I've lost a large school room and school storage areas. One of the selling points of our new home is that it has a school room! It's kinda small and there is no other storage with good access. My problem with storage of crafts, games, map, and other assorted specialty stuff is keeping little hands off, for safety and keeping organized. The little cuties can be destructive darlings!
- dinning room table restored
- storage tubs re-packed with items not needed this year
- prepare Little Mommy's portfolio
- I'd add more, but I REALLY need to be realistic!
But be sure that everything is done properly and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40
Our God is the Creator of order. I'm praying for His order to shine through me! HE IS ABLE!
There is a lack of freedom in disorder, things half done, clutter....causing a lack of energy and ambition.......resulting in stagnation. And that always stinks!
Off to break free of this bit of clutter!
This girl is a wonderful challenge in way the other two never have been. What a delight she exhibits for learning yet the pull of power of her two year old position is GREAT! She has drive. She will be three this fall and her schooling will begin. First though she's gotta give up them pull ups. She is completely trained and doesn't want to be. "I want to be a baby." Well this baby wants to rule us all. Ah, such is being two. I will miss it......this time of having a little baby too.
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