How many times has the LORD come to my rescue? I can't even remember. How many dreams has HE filled? Too many to count. The question has never been if the LORD brings me back from some form of captivity. But, WHEN. Did I sing songs of joy so much so that all peoples around me knew the LORD had done great things for me? Did I let HIM fill me with joy or stop the flow when I thought it was enough? Did I stop Him from filling my mouth with laughter? If I was full there would be no room for anything else. So I must face that I cut GOD off. Because when HE did, I said how much and what's it gonna mean. And I set the boundaries of just who would know about it. I even made the parameter of how much I'd let it change me.
Jesus is a giver of fresh starts. HE is happy just knowing I want a fresh start. I wanna sing for joy and not focus on losses or difficulties. I wanna know HE is in control and has a plan so I don't have to. I wanna laugh. My life has been so full of problems to solve, deadlines and the business of living that I'm missing the joy. Sure I have joy in the moments. But that is not the kind of joy Jesus has for me. It is not the limited joy I pull out at times but an abiding joy oozing out, spilling on others. The kind of joy that can't be contained. The kind of joy that is contagious! I want what the LORD wants to give me!
Three stones of remembrance are laid in my life so I will NOT forget. Three great blessings the LORD has done for me. They are a challenge everyday. What do they remember of me each day they go to sleep? What will they remember of me when they grow and fly away? Yes, they DO need to be under authority. Yet, it is joy I want them to take with them and remember. It's what I want to remember too.
The old saying, If Momma ain't happy nobody's happy, is convictingly true.
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1
Surely to open up to the LORD's filling is wise. It appears foolish to the world, even to myself. I am the blessing blocker. It is to my shame. Save me. Bring me back to your heart Jesus, once again. Leave my heart seared with your joy, singing for all to see the great things the LORD has done for me.
"Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name." 2 Samuel 22:50
"Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts." 1 Chronicles 16:9
"Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him." Psalm 33:1
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