God Spoke: "Light!" And the light appeared.
God saw that light was good and separated light from dark.
Genesis 1:3-4 Message
Why, oh why do I flick the light switch off? Sometimes its just in passing or out of habit. Without even thinking. Or perhaps someone else or circumstance turned it off and I never cared enough to turn it back on. Lazy? Unwise? Yes, both to blame.
There is a time of rest, so there is a time for a healthy darkness.
A darkness that refreshes my body and leaves light in my soul.
Yet, as I'm stumbling around in my life,
stubbing sore feet of clay.....
after injury and strain
relying on self.....
or others...
Sometimes I switch the breaker to allow power to flow
Then just as suddenly cut the flow in the next
wave of rationalizing
faith waving in the wind
off the ROCK
....on, off, on, off, on, off...
I hear the LORD break through the dark cloud and shout,
"LIGHT! Girl, stop flicking the switch!"
He reminds me:
In the beginning
In the beginning of you
In the beginning of me and you
In the beginning of your real life
In the beginning of everything you set your hand to
In the beginning of your marriage
In the beginning of your parenting
In the beginning of your pain
In the beginning of your heartaches
In the beginning of your struggles
In the beginning of your challenges
In the beginning of your callings
In the beginning of every thought
God Created...
This is the part that hits me between the eyes today.
Now the earth was formless
and empty,
Everything stated above...formless and empty...void
...darkness was over the surface of the deep,
Everything stated was under the covering of darkness...
it is the state of being without light
there is no other illumination
...and the Spirit of God was hovering
He is and has always been hovering over it all
over me
over all that
and more
more than I can understand
Hovering, waiting, anticipating, planning,
even loving
Like an artist
Like a parent
Like Creator
...over the waters.
over the still
over the storms
over the swells and breaks
over the coming pollution
over the promised harvest
over the sinking
over the freezing
over the traveling
over the monsters
over the mystery
over the vastness
over the lost
over the fishing
over the swimming
over the drowning
over the call to walk on it
over the evaporation
over the rain
over the wrecks
over the treasures
over the adventures
and even over the bow of promise
And God said, "Let there be light"
Into all of me.....He calls with His breath Light
truth revelation
salvation in all stated
in all of me
God saw...
He sees me
He sees it all
God saw that the light was good,
He calls light into the world
He calls light into me
into my world
and sees that it's good
It is His Light and He IS Holy
He sees it leave Himself
Perfect and Good
But when it hits me
Perfection is lost
at the cost of giving me the gift of seeing light myself
No longer blind
No longer hopeless, empty and formless
..and He separated the light from the darkness.
He did it
Not me
Not my intellect
Not my rational
Not an other's
He makes it clear
He alone
There is NO OTHER
Darkness is the setting of the switch
It is what I am in
What I will become
alone and in the dark
formless, empty and void
corrupting even light lived, past tense
It is the dimming I miss
guard down
forgetting the LORD first
Do everything to the glory of GOD
Reflective Love
I cannot breathe out LIGHT
But He created me to inhale
Praise HIM!
With remnants Holy Light
sticking to me
living in me
and reflecting back to HIm
and again
The Hovering God, Holy Creator
Sees and says it is good
commanding me to follow Him
into the Light
which He separates
from the Darkness
in every moment
in every circumstance
Only HE sees with HOLY LIGHT
what portion He grants me is a miracle
And it is GOOD.
May I remember to stay in the LIGHT
with all that I am
All my hope is in HIM
The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out.
John 1:5
If we claim that we experience a shared life with him and continue to stumble around in the dark, we're obviously lying through our teeth- we're not living what we claim. But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God's Son, purges all our sin.
1 John 2:9-11
The City doesn't need sun or moon for light. God's Glory is its light, the Lamb its lamp!
Revelation 21:23
No one will need lamplight or sunlight. The shining of God, the Master, is all the light anyone needs.
Revelation 22:5
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